Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Getting started

Ok, so I’ve jumped on the band wagon by somewhat embracing technology and writing a blog about what I know and what I learn about my native region; Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
What do you call ten newspaper professionals in one room? No, it’s not the unemployment line although that has been a sad reality with the inevitable decline of the support for print media. Today, it was the monthly meeting of The Press Club serving the Philadelphia region formerly known as the Delaware County Press Club.
The excitement in the room today was exhilarating for those who report the news, provide the news and support the news through advertising as well as for those who seek to learn more about how to reach people and improve business. The Press Club met for lunch at the Edgmont Country Club in Newtown Square and this was the meeting that would kick off their 2010-2011 season. There was a panel of 17 seasoned professionals who were eager to share their experiences, especially as of late; in the news and advertising industry. Social media was said to be the necessary evil for success today.
The lunch was marvelous especially for someone who often eats lunch in their car while heading from one meeting to another, and the crowd was large which was nice to see.  The buzz in the room and the size of the crowd made me take note of the human knowledge and the social experience that was taking place in the room. Sadly, in the “information age” the human experience that provides the social and cultural knowledge that it takes to succeed in business has gone almost by the way side and replaced by virtual social experiences such as LinkedIn and Face Book. I do struggle with the social media experience.
I was hoping that the panel discussion would not focus on the decline of print media as many of us look forward to feeling and reading the newspaper each day. I was not disappointed. The panelists were upbeat and looking forward to the new avenues that will allow them to reach readers and improve readership. Our own Delaware County native Phil Heron, Editor, Delaware County Daily Times as well as other news print professionals spoke of how email was king (which is almost funny for journalists who pride themselves on writing) and how copy and paste is crucial in today’s world of print media and reporting. Although exhausted from finding new ways and the time to report on minute to minute news and fighting for the right for life, Phil Heron stated, his existence proves that dinosaurs are not extinct and are evolving and adapting to coexist in today’s society.
So, here is what I know and some of what I learned. The organization formerly known as The Delaware County Press Club www.ThePressClubPA.org is alive and well and will meet in November for an escorted “behind the scenes” tour of PPL Park, the new soccer stadium in Chester, Pennsylvania. I can’t wait. The Edgmont Country Club serves a great lunch in a beautiful room with a view of the golf course. Face to Face interaction for business development and relationship building cannot be substituted, sorry Face Book fans. and if you want to feel the paper in your hands and read about what is happening in your native area, support your local newspaper. Oh and one more thing, the Press Club isn’t just for those who report on the news anymore!
Until my next post, GO NATIVE.
Diane Holefelder


At November 7, 2010 at 8:02 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have been wondering about the print media also. People still need to have some real communication. The newspaper does just that by bringing people in to conversations that normally may have not. The work place, hairdresser, diner, dr's office etc. Not sure how my fellow age groups stand but I feel the thrill has certainly calmed down for my time being spent on the computer.... Oh certainly not gone, like the thrill of pumping your own gas (that new fun lasted till the first real frost, brrrrr holding that cold handle in heels and a skirt). I try to spend eoungh computer time to just cover most of the basics: A few headlines on the home page, bills, facebook and emails. That in itself is quite time consuming. Shopping on the net has just about been curtailed. Considering I just about had the puter attached to my hip since 1997 and that was way before Blackberry. I may surf to get an idea for a gift or what nots but then it is off to the Mall to purchase at a much lower price and a save on shipping.

I sure hope the libraries continue to find ways to pull in the people. Movie night, coffee clatches, Poetry readings, local musicians. They simply have a good feeling going on in there.

So in my opinion, I believe Print Media is here for some time.

Well since I have been at the net now going on aprox 2 hrs I think I still have time to check out Jill McDevitt's blog. Looks like it could be another interesting read. "O" to be sure!!

Thanks for all the great work you do in the County Diane.


November 7, 2010 7:55 PM

At November 11, 2010 at 6:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Print media has to stay , I get a lot of information from my own form or the information highway , yep I could say I am my own local new outlet , I listen to the police an fire radio , I watch the news 1st Channel 3 from 4 to 5 then off to fox 29 from 5 to 6:30 an sometimes i go to CNN an MSNBC , sorry but Channel 6 an 10 don't do it for me , an then there is Face Book all the different friends that I have an the organization they belong too they pass the news along , then there is twitter ,like WOW the organizations that you can follow , have to check on the computer though cause if I got all them tweets my Phone would blow up , or someone who thinks I don't have phone edict would take it an break it , an there are many other ways that i get my news ,but i'll save you the trouble an the boredom but all in all I even though I read the times on the internet in the morning with my Toaster strudel an flavored coffee I still go out on my daily walks an pick up the Daily times paper , just something about holding the paper in my hands an sitting on the couch reading the paper from front to back with my grandchildren by my sides ,


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